There are always 200 more reasons NOT to do something than reasons TO do something. Its been a long day, I have a handle on that, I'll do it tomorrow, Im too tired, something else is going on, other people are standing in my way, I could go on. How many of these have I used to not practice? ALL of them. What's my point? This weekend I forgot my music book for a 4 hour gig. If you know us at ALL, you know that Melody HAS to have her music for everything. Even on the radio, page in front. On Park City TV (LIVE P.S.) sometimes you can catch a glimpse of the corner of my page laying on the stage in front of me. I knew it was my security blanket of sorts, but suddenly I felt VERY lost. I was uncomfortable, I couldn't feel the songs, and a lot Ty had to play solo because I don't know the chords. This made me REALLY disappointed in myself. What the hell have I been doing? I wrote these songs and I don't KNOW them????!!!! If you really think about that statement you will realize how little I practice. Here we are talking about our commitment to music and our careers and I don't know my songs. Any band I joined and said, 'SHIT I forgot my music book! I don't know the songs' would kick me out!
I can only make excuses or so long. Soon, Ty and I are committing to become full time musicians. And I don't know my songs lol. Right. So my blog installment is a commitment to learn my songs by heart. The only time a music book should be acceptable for someone who has been playing and performing as long as I have, is if we are playing a long gig. Sometimes, its good to have there but I shouldn't use it every show and I can't lean on it all the time. 3 song shows, 30 minute sets....etc.
Starting now, I will be learning these bitches by heart inside and out, so when I show up and its cold and rainy and Im distracted by everything else around me, I don't have to worry about knowing my shit. The end.
A recap of the past and recent updates and experiences of 2 DIY musicians as they work to become full time performers. Melody and Tyler will tell stories of the musicians they perform with, the stars they open for, and the great people they meet along the way as well as share photos of fans, and interesting things you may enjoy.
Acoustic All-Stars 2010

Pics: John Zay, Ashley & Taryn, Brian.
Wow. Seriously, this past weekend was the hardest, most frustrating, most exciting, most exausting, and most rewarding weekend I remember ever having. With the pictures, the videos, the laughs, the exorbanant (spelling) amount of drinks consumed, and the amazing people we just spent it with, I find myself wondering, 'What more could a person want'
There was a time in my life when I said, I want to play music. I didn't know another musician ESPECIALLY one who played out. My first open mic was so scary I dont think anyone could hear me cause I was so scared of my voice. As I played more I saw musicians just like me who were scared and very new. But then I would see the focused, practiced, experienced musicians and just sit in awe. When we started this, I never realized I would sit in awe like I was new again. Every year, new talent comes along and we say, "How have I never heard you!?" Its so exciting to get to meet these super talented people doing what I have looked up to AND get to perform with them.

(Pic: Jen Stensrud)
My only regret this year was that we didn't get to talk to the outside stage performers much and felt we didn't try hard enough to include them. We apologize. Luckily we were able to run down there enough to get pics and say hi to most of them.
Now for the juicy stuff....
We got off work at 1 and already had the car packed so we could pick up some banners and drive to PC and get ready, check into the room etc. Unfortunately, we realized we forgot a banner in a Mr. Brett Turner's vehicle who lives in Ogden.

For some reason, someone decided that THIS weekend, the weekend of The Kimball Arts Festival, was the weekend to do construction on the road. We ended up on one of these roads trying to find where to check into our hotel. Ty apperently pissed off the hotel clerk and she was taking her sweet ass time to get to him lol. I know he didn't on purpose and he WAS able to still sweet talk her out of a few extra parking passes. We were a little close on schedule so we hurried up to the room, claimed our room, took some pics, and then I took Ty to the bar to hang banners. I then went back to the room to park, get ready and walk UP the hill. All in all I took this trek and one even to it in trips to the Miners Park Stage a few times. Im thinking 2 down, 4 up......
The first night was awesome! I got to sing back up for Josh Johnson, and have Greg Downs play guitar and Ty play D' was awesome. Then there was the DJ. We stayed until about 12 and headed back to the room. DOWN. Taryn and I were joined by Miguel and Friends. (Super cool guys) We hung out, drank, etc. Good times. Tawny made Chicken Tacos (MMMMMmmmmm) and we started to settle down. Everyone left at somewhere around 3 or 4 I believe and I went and woke Ty up out of the hot tub so he didn't drown. lol
Taryn made the best breakfast burritos. (In our full Kitchen)

Since we were able to shove a bunch of people into the room, it was SUPER cheap.
We were able to relax a bit and get ready for the night. Then it was time to go back UP.
Hanging banners, fliers etc. Marc Cooper had Shelly, Kole, and us on the stage to sing some Bob Marley and Beatles. I played the shaker and was being perverted. Of course.
Steve Swift. That guy is a bad ass. I have never seen him play like he played this year. He has a stomp box that he kicks while he's playing and this year he was ROCKING OUT. It was awesome.
(I apologize because I can't talk about everyone's sets. I was impressed with everyone and want you to know that I'm picking by story, and pictures.)
Saturday night was just awesome. I mean, Jen Stensrud, Dustin Bangerter, Peter Harvey, Marc Cooper, Steven Swift, Kimo Watanabe, and Whiskey King Coalition....HELL YA!
After, we all went back and hit the hot tub. First I went with Smash to get suits and Totinos. We got back and made them and smash called the slightly scorched ones 'Cajun Style cause they're blackened' lol
If you have never hung out with Mac and Flip(The Local Landing) they are two funny bastards. Seriously. That's all I got on the subject.
When the water started swaying me OR I started swaying me, not sure which, I went to bed. It was close to 5 am.
8:30 am. My alarm goes off. I feel like SHIT.
Whose fault is that? MINE! Was it worth it? YA!
I got up and tried to help a bit by cleaning. and then slowly made coffee and drank water. I got dressed and had to leave to get to the Miners Park Stage and get passes to a few artists. UP.
I sat at the park for a bit listening to Shelly Riff with Marc Cooper then joined by Kole Hansen, and thought I was going to pass out it was so hot. Stupid weather lying to me.
I couldn't handle it. I needed to change. DOWN lol
I changed and then took a 15 nap and was ready to go again. UP.
I was really dissapointed to miss Amir Jackson's set by only a minute or 2. (Sad Face)
Back and forth I went a few more times to the stage. I got to meet Jenn Hajj, and Utah Slim, and heard US Thieves. Mike got sweet pics of Chris Orrock. Jenn has such a Celtic voice. Beautiful!
Sunday was better than we imagined and we pulled almost as many tickets in on Sunday as on Saturday night. AWESOME! The Sunday Lineup was Miquel and Friends, Brian Bingham, John Zay, Ashlee Dickson, Silver Glen, Kole, Timmy Pearce, Alan Sanders, and W. James Woods. Fantastic!!!

Pic: Kole with Marc Cooper
Now for my favorite part. After....Throughout the year in the past I have loved to see the stage being shared between other AAS artists. I can't tell you all the joy I feel and satisfaction we get from seeing the dream of this festival come alive. Its such an honor to have friends who are willing to come play and promote with us for something that we believe in so strongly. We know and have met some amazing people and will continue to do so. This is networking at its finest and a great way to almost try out for other's interest in opening spots whether its you opening or them.
All I have to say is,(Except you Aleeca cause you were in Alaska) If you didn't come to the 2010 Acoustic All-Stars Festival, you missed out.
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