I have 2 blogs sitting....waiting to be published, and I find myself writing a new one.
Ty and I were coming back from Park City tonight after a really fun and inspiring talk with Mateo Coletti and Rachael Alvine and after talking about music here in Utah, it brought a conversation that I decided would actually be my next blog.
When we moved to Salt Lake, we were new. We wanted to meet people and perform with people and build this scene. It was like dating. When you put yourself out there, you're bound to get burned. As previously posted, there have been issues we have seen here in Utah.... I am sure they're the same everywhere.
When we started getting ready for this years Acoustic All-Stars, I started writing the contract and Ty put his 2 cents in. We found our old contract on my computer and started reading it. It was night and day. Last year, the contracts were more information, mission statement, and encouragement. This year....all business.
I guess somehow, I got Jaded. I started looking for all of the wrong people do and trying to prevent it instead of just being me, doing what I know needs to be done, and if someone shit on an opportunity, so be it....we would roll it off.
Now, we are always seeing the negative. I have realized recently that those arent the people we want to be. I have realized that we need to be better about being those people that are just trying to help and are genuinely concerned and into the beauty of building this Utah music scene we so strongly believe in. People are unreliable in every trade. Its not just musicians. We are right brainers, its hard to combine forces with a bunch of overly creative free thinkers, but it CAN be done.
My Blog will be short.
Dont let people bring you down. Now that I can see how jaded I have become, I want to apologize. If we have ever given you the impression that we were jerks, snubbers, or clichey, let me assure you....we arent. Please... ask us to collaborate, ask us for advice if we have anything of value to you. Let us open for you, let us be reliable, nice, and fun musicians. We will return the favor. We know we aren't better than you. We know that we are just people doing what we do the best we can.
Dont let the bad ruin the good cause there is SOOO much good about this crazy, bumpy ride that is musicianhood. :)