I apologize for not writing for so long. Honestly, between work and music and also having a shitty laptop that is so slow it takes forever to register typing it's been hard. But. No more excuses.
I will start back in with something that just came to me and made me HAVE to start up again. From my phone. Because my laptop. Ya know lol.
Everyone keeps acting like turning 30 is such a big deal. Sure. It's the end of a certain time in life. Like high school graduation. Suddenly there are things I feel are less socially acceptable and growing up is a little more important. But I feel no older than 25. It's all on the inside. So here I go. MY list of what I learned and opinions I've formed in 30 years.
1: Do things sooner. We all wait too damn long to follow our dreams and then wake up and we forgot about them. If you are inspired let it be and go for it.
2: Standing up for myself is 100% ok. We all deserve to be heard and no one should make you feel nuts for feeling a certain way. It's also 100% ok to stand up for someone else even if no one will agree with you.
3: I would love to have Giselle's body BUHliEVe me! But. I'm Hott damnit and that's just fine. Being happy with yourself MAKES you attractive. I'm like a fine wine. I get better with age. I feel better. I look better. I know myself better.
4: Pay your bills first. Then have fun.
5: Have sex, make out, fool around, and.....you know. Other stuff. It's healthy and fun and good for you and no one should die without feeling one of those feelings. Just one.
6: I tell the truth because a close family member is a habitual liar. It hurt my family deeply. I won't lie to you. If you're have something hanging from your nose I'll tell you and if I think you're making a mistake I'll tell you but I also value a sensitive friendship. I may tell you you're being stupid but I'll also tell you l love and support you.
7: Being A little selfish sometimes is ok.
8: Do it if it feels right or regret not doing it when you had the chance.
9: Keep your private battles private except for a very few close friends. Too many ears cuts your battles value and clouds advice.
10: Thank people often.
11: Gay people are just fine by me and add an extra umph to any party ;) I am pro LGBT and have a very strong stance that if you are lucky enough to find somone you love, thats all you need and no one has a right to tell you other wise. On the same token, to come out or change your sex wouldn't be an easy thing socially and I respect the guts it takes to do so.
12: Politics are bull shit. It's a bunch of rich ass holes fingerpointing.
13: You can become famous for REALLY anything. Just do it over and over enough until enough people see you do it that you're mentioned in conversation. Done.
14: Dream Big It's Free!
15: Traveling is a must.
16: I am the nicest bitch you'll ever meet. Be good to me and it's returned. Wrong me in a real way and see the wrath. It's not fun.
17: Nothing turns out like you think
18: We can't do it all. We can't have it all. We can sure WANT it all.
19: Dissapointment starts and ends when you're born and when you die.
20: So does happiness
21: The best times I ever had were sober. Alcohol is fun but not everything.
22: It's ok to loose at the game 'I've Never'.....Depending on the raunch level.
23: Change is scary. Its also inevitable.
24: Sugar is bad for my teeth and everyone in my family gets diabetes but I eat sweets a LOT. Live it up while you can. This also applies to more than sweets.
25: Sacrifice is hard but necessary if you want something.
26: 30 shows no signs of wrinkles but I am tired more. Fighting that is good for you. I have to make myself do things more than I used to. Make yourself do things.
27: Work out. No weight loss? Who cares. It makes you feel good.
28: Playing games is for the young and patient. I am FAR from patient and never liked playing games. Save yourself some time and heartache. Don't play games.
29: I never broke a bone in my life but I have many scars from love. I have had more relationships, loves, and losses than most normal healthy people and I wouldn't trade any of it because sometimes we don't know what we DON'T want until we have it. AND Sometimes we don't know what we DO want until we don't have it.
30: This has become my motto. 'The only thing in life you CAN control is whether or not you have regrets.' I have some regrets and mostly its things I DIDN'T do. Keep that in mind.
These are the highlights of what I have learned. I know there are more but its hard to fit every piece of wisdom in a top 30 list. :)
Honestly, 30 years have been sad, happy, awful, and wonderful so bring it on 40!