Hello. And welcome anyone. This is my attempt to make a sort of journal of our road to success as musicians with details about how we get where we're going and all the spectacular events we get to be a part of as well as the amazing people we get to meet.
I wish I would have started this 2 years ago, because I think that If I had, it could have maybe helped another struggling artist in their journey to find their success no matter what level that may be.
For now, we'll do a quick back story. Im sure as time goes on I will add stories from the past.
Ty and I met about 3 years ago this March. I had just moved back from doing door to door sales in Washington State, and Ty was a flooring installer who had recently been a drummer in a band. We met because I played at an open mic and he heard about me and my friend Mara introduced us. We haven't been apart since. :)
I had been playing solo once every 2-3 months at coffee shops and pretty much woke up one morning and said "Im getting Old. Its time to quit effing around if I really want this." I knew that if I didn't get serious about being a musician then, I never would and I would regret it for the rest of my life.
I had tried out for American Idol in Washington just before moving back to Utah, and though I didn't get far, I knew I had something special and NO ONE could tell me differently.
So, Ty and I. We began jamming a little here and there and I was playing at open mics and things like that. Once Ty and I started dating and getting serious he was pretty much performing with me all the time. I remember literally telling him "I'm done messing around. If you want to be together I'd love that, but, I am really going to hit this HARD! I want to play every weekend, all three days if possible. I want to tour, I want this. So if you're in, you're IN"
He said "IM IN"
We haven't looked back lol
Our first show in SLC was at Burt's Tiki Lounge at 10 pm on a Wednesday night. It was rough because we didn't have a reputation to get us weekend shows, we didn't know anyone to open for, and we certainly didn't know where to ask to play.
I am sort of the main Booking agent, as we have rationed out the duties. Ty is the Manager/PR/Producer/Sound guy. I am the Booking agent/advertising rep/songwriter...i guess lol Thats the jist of it.
What happened next? Keep reading :D