
Practice Makes Improvement; My month of daily practice

I challenged myself last month to practice guitar and/or sing every night for a minimum of 20 minutes. All but 3 nights, I did it.

I wanted to tell you about what I learned because it really pointed a few things out to me.

First, I am retaining the songs I practice better when I play that often.

Next, I never played for only 20 minutes. It was always an hour or more. Its so easy to keep going once you start.

Then, I started feeling my voice getting stronger and my guitar playing getting better.

I also had nights where I was MISERABLE and tired and didn’t want to play so I would have to make myself do it anyway and all but one of those times, once I started, I was glad I did it.

The biggest thing I got out of it was that we played 3 shows on Saturday, and then again 1 on Sunday and by the time we got done I was exhausted but there is NO way my voice would have held up for all that if I hadn’t been strengthening it.

I know now that this challenge I gave myself is something I need to continue. I challenged all our Facebook followers to challenge themselves to do something and got no response. It made me sad because as people AND musicians we should always be challenging ourselves to be better and not one person wanted to improve anything.

I challenge you now. Think of something you need or want and challenge yourself to get it. Sometimes it will be hard. Sometimes it will be the hardest thing in the world. I wanted to just go to bed and sleep quite a few nights and the first night I missed, I only missed because I got home from work and was about dead so I went strait to sleep. I was so sad the next day that I missed one day. It was easier to push myself on tired nights after that.

I truly believe that we all can improve ourselves; we just need to decide what’s first to work on. Now that I know I have at least a LITTLE discipline, I will try to eat better lol.

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