(2 uncensored phrases)
I remember sitting at work thinking about all the cool things going on around SLC and how fun it would be to be a part of them. When you're an acoustic musician, you have to be careful who you're trying to get in with. I mean, though I think Gawdzye (http://www.myspace.com/gawdzye) is a great heavy metal band, I don't believe we would do ourselves any favors to open for them. right?
I began searching artist names of people touring through Utah and sending emails to them from their websites asking if we could open for them. I probably sent about 30 emails that week. Mostly I was asking smaller acts, but sometimes I got bold and sent one to, say, Colbie Calliet or someone. I figured, they may say no now, but next time they come through, I'll ask again, and again, until they start either remembering us, and I can build a relationship with them without being a crazy person, or they just pick us out of luck. I mean, Roll the dice, they'll land on 7 at least once :D
I began searching artist names of people touring through Utah and sending emails to them from their websites asking if we could open for them. I probably sent about 30 emails that week. Mostly I was asking smaller acts, but sometimes I got bold and sent one to, say, Colbie Calliet or someone. I figured, they may say no now, but next time they come through, I'll ask again, and again, until they start either remembering us, and I can build a relationship with them without being a crazy person, or they just pick us out of luck. I mean, Roll the dice, they'll land on 7 at least once :D
I had been talking to Ty a few days before about how excited I was that J.R. Richards (http://www.jrrichards.com) of Dishwalla ('Counting Blue Cars') had chosen to 'Follow' me on Twitter. I figured it had to be some mistake but all the same, J.R. is a HUGE inspiration to Ty and I both and we love his old and new music. With a wild hair up my ass, I wrote to him and asked if we could open for him.
Before I go any further, I want to address any aspiring musicians etc reading this....
When you send an email to someone asking to gig, whether its to the coffee shop next door or fucking, J.R. Richards manager, you have to be certain you do a few things.
1: Sell yourself. I don't mean offer a blow job in exchange for the spot. I mean tell them about you in a way that says "if you don't book me, you'll miss out on a GREAT performer". Now, you can't JUST say that. Here's a sample of someone I will make up:
"Gene Roddenberry comes from a hometown family with hometown values that translates into hometown music. He has been singing since he was a child and knew he was going to write songs to speak to the world. His sound is unmistakable and fascinating. Gene has performed with musicians such as Larry King, Tyra Banks, and the great Melody with Tyler Forsberg, and has traveled the world over building a fan base that is growing and dedicated....." etc etc etc. I would go on to talk about what you've done that stands out, what makes you special, and if you can be you without being weird, dirty, or creepy, DO IT. Just sell yourself!
2: If you don't get a response, treat it like a date. Don't write back every day until you get one. Wait 3 days, then, if you feel there's a chance, check back. My rule of thumb though, is if I don't get even a 'thank you we'll be in touch', I don't write back until they may be looking for another act. Remember, if you seem like you're going to stalk, fall over, bug, or otherwise annoy their artist, you wont get booked no matter how good you are.
and I think I'll cut this to -
3: Be professional and very grateful. If they write back and say, 'you suck and we really think you shouldn't quit your day job" Don't tell them where to shove it or be nasty about it. If they never respond, don't write to them and tell them you don't appreciate being ignored or what ever you want to do. And if you get a response and they like you, thank them. Not so much its all the email says. you don't want to look desperate. But tell them how much you appreciate it and be thankful that you got a response. And don't say anything stupid like 'my girlfriend and I make love to your music all the time' lol
Back to the subject;
I sent an email to J.R. Richards, expecting to hear nothing but in the back of my head I kept thinking, "He DOES follow me... maybe...."
We received a response from his manager saying 'I forwarded this to his booking agent' then the booking agent said 'yes we'll be there and may be looking for an opener. I forwarded you to the the guy in charge of that show' The guy in charge of that show wrote us and told us he loved us. We began the booking process but had to wait until J.R.'s team confirmed 100%. It was rough cause we wanted to shout if from the rooftops "WE'RE OPENING FOR J.R. RICHARDS!!!" But we didn't want to tell everyone and have it fall through (reputation is everything. If people think you're a big fat liar, you might as well be because its hard to prove otherwise)
Finally, it was confirmed. We opened for J.R. Richards on October 26, 2009 for a benefit concert for Hanna Laursen. He and his team are the nicest most delicious smelling people I've ever met. We were honored and humbled and realized we have a hell of a lot of work to do lol.
We aimed for something that seemed unattainable and though I sent over 30 messages and we literally only received 1 response, we were able to take part in a life changing and beautiful experience. Thank you to the music Gods for that moment in time. We are in your debt.
Thanks Melody! You rock!