
Acoustic All-Stars 2012 = Success and Mucho fun!!!

What a weekend!!!  
Let me just start here….. See, this is the 5th year of the AAS and a tiny bit of history is in order to give you a better idea of how awesome this weekend was.

We started our search for a venue to hold an acoustic music festival at a place called Club Celsius in Park City. They closed down and show was a no go. Then we played at The Star Bar for a show opening for Joshua James and Benton Paul. We fell in love with the staff and the bar set up and got our first venue for the AAS. The first year we had a small crowd.  The second a decent crowd. We implemented the ticketing system that year.  The Third year, we opened the doors to a line down the street of ticket holders.  Then, discord with staff and owner at The Star Bar made all the people we were previously working with jump ship. We couldn’t ask our artists to rely on such unpredictable circumstances and had to jump ship as well. We thought, we want to go to where Celsius was again! So the 4th year was at The Downstairs. This year we were able to get a few sponsors, make t shirts, pay for advertising, etc.

In the end, I apologize to The Downstairs for this, but we were miserable with the results. The Staff wasn’t friendly, the owner’s expectations were unrealistic, and the seating was atrocious. We had to leave.

The first time we talked to Mischell and Mario about having the 5th year at Fats, we were at the end of our rope. We heard rumor the previous year of artists complaining that they were too good for a 30 minute set and that we weren’t paying them.  We were at the point that if this year didn’t work out we were going to stop. We also decided that the stress and taxes of having sponsors wasn’t worth it. We weren’t able to spend the time on making the fest the best it could be because we were trying so hard to make money. Unfortunately, we don’t make money on this fest. Fortunately, it is more fun that way. Weird I know. lol

Now, I mean this in the best way possible, but artists…we set up the ticketing system because we can’t afford to pay you. What’s more, we will never be able to pay you all more than you could make with your tickets. Yes, I know you’re being nice and giving them out just to get people to come see you, but that’s YOUR decision. We have had a few people over the years say ‘now if only you could pay us.’  Well, we technically do. You’re just not earning it. I’m sorry but that’s the fact. We give you enough tickets (and you can request more) to sell them and make a good profit. We give tickets out to get people in so the bar makes money and we keep the little bit of money from the door which rarely covers our overhead. We apologize because this year we just didn’t have the money for any advertising but IMAGINE next year when we do J

What you don’t see is that 90% of the attendees are A:Friends of the bar and don’t pay, B: Have Tickets or are on a list, or C: Come in late enough we don’t charge them. Honest math…..If we took our profit (Overall income  + our own merch profit – (MINUS) Photographer, Food, tipping bar, making T shirts, making posters, purchasing tickets (that we give you), and gas to hang fliers, pick up fliers, back and forth to venue all weekend, etc that would pay each band evenly $8.09. I’m totally not exaggerating lol.

I just needed, for myself, to explain that to anyone who wonders why we don’t pay you. We would love to. We really would. But the tickets were brought out to make sure you all could make some money. If you don’t we are not responsible. We also don’t mind if you give them out. But really, what’s the difference of asking people to buy them or asking them to pay a door fee? It’s the same amount. If they are your friends / fans they’ll give you 5$  J

Anyway, what was wonderful about this year was that there was no discord, there was no artists acting like princesses, everyone was on time or early, people hung out, ate, bought or were given tickets, and we all had fun. The staff was friendly, the food was great, the drinks were cheap, and we all left with a happy warm feeling.

We will definitely have a year 6 and it will be even better. 

Off subject for a second…….Last, I want to pay tribute to our good friend Ischa of Minx.

I have been watching her amazing stage presence and ability to just give her performance all she has and I truly look up to her. She is a phenomenal performer and I see her as any musician’s perfect role model. There are things I have always wanted to do on stage and seeing her grace and professionalism has been pushing me to get out of my comfort zone and just do it.

Last night I took my mic off the stand for the first time and sang Alanis. I was so scary. I thought sure I’d pull the mic off and hit myself in the face and end up bleeding, ruin the song, everyone would laugh at me, and Id go home and curl up like a dead spider lol.

It was amazing and empowering and I loved it.

Thank you Ischa. You’re beautiful and inspiring and your inspiring nature lead to one of the best performances we have ever had . Xoxo


All the musicians this weekend were awesome and we want to thank everyone who stayed for our performance. It was Sunday and everyone works today but the people who stayed for our set are the best friends anyone could ask for. We like to take smaller sets and lesser loved times every once in a while just to makes sure its fair and that everyone knows that side stages and opening the show are not a reflection of your talent but merely the fact that not everyone can play the main stage and not everyone can have the best time slot. Those of you who took time out of your busy schedules to stay and listen to the last band of the festival are our heroes and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You made last night end with a bang and we had no idea we could even imagine that outcome.

Thank you all again. Next year is going to rock your socks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next. Acoustic All Stars August 11 at Rovali's in Ogden!!!

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