
“Come to me my pretties”

It seems that no matter what you’re taking about, keeping with and ahead of trends can turn anything into gold. But have you ever heard the phrase ‘All that shimmers is not gold’? I sure have. So what means “Gold” to you I wonder? Now, I know Ty and I are musicians and talk more about the music biz than anything else, but I think a lot of us forget that music IS a business. Therefore, why can’t some of our blogs include everyone? Well, they can but I don’t know if they will because I have never owned a restaurant, or a law firm, or anything else for that matter. I owned a car once…. I don’t think that counts.
I digress.
Today, I hear more about the glories of Social Media than anything else. I agree that it has its power, for one who not only knows how to use it, but uses it religiously. Lives for it. Those people can do anything with it, and when I say anything, I believe ANYTHING. Ty and I do not lol. This is why I feel a sense of relief when I see articles posted by gregdowns.com like this: http://www.musicthinktank.com/blog/eight-recent-social-and-technical-phenomena-that-are-making.(copy and paste url) Bruce Warila essentially says you CAN succeed without being deeply committed to social media sites if you know how to play to your audience. If you can peak an interest in your fans ….wait…..Lets start from the beginning. I have no fans. I have no product that is worthwhile. If I have a way to make a product that people will like (= LOTS OF HARD WORK), if they see/hear it at a trade show, concert, etc., I only need a few things to happen. One or two people who like it can and probably will post something on THEIR social media site. If I have something people want to see, they will tell their friends, and their friends will show up. If I have people show up, guess what… we look cooler… and cool is and always will be ‘In’. Suddenly, someone posts a video of us performing…YouTube…check. Every time someone likes that video or post that a fan put up, we gain credibility (I heard all about this last night at a conference and will touch briefly on it later) as well as coolness. Remember? Always in. Now we have a brand, a product, and guess what, we didn’t have a website, a YouTube, a twitter, a Facebook, a MySpace, a reverbnation, a Flickr, or any other of the thousands of sites out there. Do I recommend this? No! Why not? Because making a product into ‘Gold’ is a slow process WITH those things. Imagine not having them. But… *Whew…sigh of relief* Can I just say it? I HATE social media! I have felt it’s a necessary evil! And yet, here I am, writing a blog… about social media… saying I hate it…and referencing websites, Facebook’s, twitters, etc. So, CAN it be done? Yes. But I don’t recommend it. Besides, if you think about it, WE may not have a webpage or those other sites in this story, but we are still using them through other people. I mean, before Newspapers, radio, and TV, (the ORIGINAL social medias) there were NO megabands, or were there? I mean, without some sort of circulation, how would there be? I would LOVE to hear some input about this if anyone knows anything about it. I googled it but couldn’t find any info.
It seems to me that we as earth (ha ha) are breeding a new sort of artist. An artist with an ego larger than life. To have access to people in other states, countries, MAYBE planets lol, seems quite the accomplishment. No wonder so many crash and burn and become total monsters! Suddenly we have access to EVERYTHING at the snap of a finger. This brings me to the next point. http://music-promotion-blog.blogspot.com/2010/06/do-you-use-marketing-match-or.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MusicPromotionBlog+%28Bob+Baker%27s+Indie+Music+Promotion+Blog%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher
We are in the flamethrower age. We are all throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks when in fact we should be nicely wrapping that shit in a box and tossing it to a few people here and there…wait lol. Read this article for realzies! I just don’t know how to better paraphrase it and it’s short.
The last thing I am going to talk about is credibility. Someone brought this up at a social media conference last night and I apologize for anything that may be misconstrued or taken as a bash. I am not going for that. See, what is ok for one person may not be ok for another. When building your credibility, you are deciding what you will put up with, what you will be known for, how reliable you are, if your fans, friends, and tweeps can trust you. (Why don’t Facebook fans have a cool name? Like, Friendbookers or Facebros/Facebitches? I like the latter.) Don’t fall prey to those companies that tweet for you, that message people for your, that take over your whole social media persona for you, and I’m sorry, but autoreplies are just as bad to me. Now, a great point was made. If you are honest and tell your fans etc. that you’re busy and keep them engaged and let them know what you’re doing that you can’t reply to everyone then you don’t have to worry about that. But ALSO, if you don’t follow someone on twitter, they can’t direct message you so DON’T follow EVERYONE on twitter. Simple.
To come full circle, we are in a mirage of a simpler time. With access to anything we need, we forget that bands played, toured, performed, and made a living BEFORE these sites. Don’t get me wrong. I know people who I believe will be very successful either at these sites or because of them, but successful none the less. But there is such a strong focus on these sites that we forget that we just need a great product. What does that say about Ty and me? We need to work harder to have a better product. We need to be more engaging, more exciting, and more fun. If you’re not a successful musician (remember? What is ‘Gold’ to you?) So do you. How? That’s only something YOU can decide. We are all in a creative right brain business. Don’t limit yourself to music. It can be done. Will it?


  1. Amazing post! Nailed it! Hope this turns a few heads... The beatles didn't have myspace!

  2. Actually Greg, the Beatles do have a myspace. haha. (jk, I know what you're saying)

    Great post Melody. I agree with it... if I were an active musician or had something to sell, I would get so sick of pimping it on social media. When I released my album I think I only mentioned it like twice on social media. Just so much work to keep up with it, and I think the time can be better utilized.

    I think 99% focus should be on playing shows, recording, practicing, just improving. Then maybe spend 5-10 minutes now and then letting your people know what's up via these social networks.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta get back to my Facebitches.

  3. The Beatles did have a huge record label promoting their tunes...everywhere...don't see that much anymore for anyone but the bands that are already big.

    Social media does allow you find potential fans almost any where in the world. Granted, all the sites are so saturated with bands it's hard to rise above the noise to actually get someone to listen to you.

  4. i HEART facebros/facebitches. i think they can, AND should be interchangeable. also, i'm going to start using it. freely. don't worry, my pretty, i will reference you and direct all minions (the whole 2 of them and they are already fans so this might not work out well for you, sorry) to you and ty's music page. because i'm awesome like that.

  5. Thanks Greg :) John, You're one funny facebitch I mean bro lol, Nathan, This is true about the beatles. The only had TV and radio as their main push. I wonder what would have happened to them with Facebook and Twitter and if there were mega bands before TV and Radio. Al, I love you lol.

  6. I think the biggest issue with all of this, is the watering down that happens. Even people that are super into new music get tired of being bombarded with "hey my brothers in a band" or "you play so does my husband" or seeing "rockstar" silloutes on mcdonalds bags... or dare I mention.... ROCK BAND or Guitar Hero.. I love me some guitar hero occasionally but it is WAAAAYYY tooooooo super cool to be a "rockstar" you dont even have to be in a band, play out, or even play rock for that matter... watered down.. all it takes nowadays is a little time on myspace.. used to be alot harder to persue, so it cut out alot of the blow hards and weaky weakertons.. this is like 2000 i am talking about.. not that long ago... anyone.. i am done.. fork in me.. and if you are worried about my grammer and spelling... eat it punch nuts!;) gregdowns.com bitches

  7. hey yo. So while I have to agree that you need a product you also have to take into consideration the day and age. People now a days are, for lack of a better word, lazy. There are a vast majority that would rather sit in front of the computer than actually be out socializing and/or paying attention to your "Gold". Take for example the social media class you talked about. There were how many of us there? 20? 25 maybe? But there were over 100 watching the stream. It's free and they don't even have to leave the comfort of their computer station. Now, I totally agree that if there wasn't a product, there wouldn't be an audience. But at the same time, unless you have a way to 1. let people know about your product and 2. figure out how to get people to stop their busy lives, get off the couch and come out, social media is defiantly a necessity. Word of mouth is awesome as well. The Beatles didn't have news paper, tv and radio till they were already big. Probably because people came out. It's just not the way it is anymore. (Or maybe that's just in logan…) They probably had a group that helped them as well. Probably a group of "frans", as you like to call them, that would give up everything to help tour, promote, smoke out and get everyone up and out. Now days you won't find that as much. People are just too busy and too unwilling to give up their time and money, even for a "good product". You have to have a way to find that "right" person or group of people. And that involves networking, in one way or another.

    You know, the more I write, the more I think we're arguing the same point. I'll shut up now.

    Ps. Someday when you're a mega star, I'll make sure when I'm helping tweet and message back to your hundreds of thousands of fans and their comments that they know it's SF1 doing the talking.
