
Our Train Wreck weekend and why it affected our habits....

There are always 200 more reasons NOT to do something than reasons TO do something. Its been a long day, I have a handle on that, I'll do it tomorrow, Im too tired, something else is going on, other people are standing in my way, I could go on. How many of these have I used to not practice? ALL of them. What's my point? This weekend I forgot my music book for a 4 hour gig. If you know us at ALL, you know that Melody HAS to have her music for everything. Even on the radio, page in front. On Park City TV (LIVE P.S.) sometimes you can catch a glimpse of the corner of my page laying on the stage in front of me. I knew it was my security blanket of sorts, but suddenly I felt VERY lost. I was uncomfortable, I couldn't feel the songs, and a lot Ty had to play solo because I don't know the chords. This made me REALLY disappointed in myself. What the hell have I been doing? I wrote these songs and I don't KNOW them????!!!! If you really think about that statement you will realize how little I practice. Here we are talking about our commitment to music and our careers and I don't know my songs. Any band I joined and said, 'SHIT I forgot my music book! I don't know the songs' would kick me out!
I can only make excuses or so long. Soon, Ty and I are committing to become full time musicians. And I don't know my songs lol. Right. So my blog installment is a commitment to learn my songs by heart. The only time a music book should be acceptable for someone who has been playing and performing as long as I have, is if we are playing a long gig. Sometimes, its good to have there but I shouldn't use it every show and I can't lean on it all the time. 3 song shows, 30 minute sets....etc.
Starting now, I will be learning these bitches by heart inside and out, so when I show up and its cold and rainy and Im distracted by everything else around me, I don't have to worry about knowing my shit. The end.

1 comment:

  1. If it makes you feel any better, Lori and I, esp. Lori relies totally on our songbook as well. I do feel a little dumb carrying it around, but without it, we stumble. But it does have a lot to do with how much you practice, I think, cos the songs I know the best are the ones I have played the longest. I did have someone tell me recently that they would not hire us if we relied on a song book....
