
Inspiring Days Are The Best

Well, here I am sitting in my living room listening to our newest song (literally less than 1 hour old as I start to write this) on my phone over and over. I wish we could just release this shit like, now! LOL.
Today has been what I hope fulltime musicianhood would be like. Wake up a little later in the day, get ready, go play a show, go home, write a song, work on it, record a little, head out to a destination such as recording or in the future touring, and then play my little heart out. WHAT A GREAT LIFE!!!!!
Then theres writing songs. Sometimes I get inspiration at work and eventhough I write it down and do what I can with it, I always get home and the inspiration is gone. That, is, the, WORST.
But, does anyone else feel like they can't say what they want to say in a song for one reason or another. I mean, I personally don't like 'sharing feelings' and getting all mushy etc. It's just no my thing. So I sing about it. Its the only way to get it out and you HAVE to get it out SOMEHOW. So, sometimes, I have a super inspiring day and we write a song that I think contains all my current feelings with out wearing my heart on my sleeve. Yuck lol. Now I feel renewed. After you do anything you're proud of, its such a relief. This is why inspiring days are the best. Its like this renewal of yourself. You don't feel so tired, so exausted. You just feel better. I'd love to hear from you guys what inspires you, what you do with it, and how it makes you feel when you get it all out.
Tonight, we will be leaving to record in California and give a few of our songs the recording they deserve. This is such a great step for us and we are really excited to take it. Big things guys. Seriously, we may not be the first of our friends to live the dream, but we'll see you all soon :D
Side note, thank you to you who support us. We can't tell you how much it means to us and how special it is to share this journey with you. Some of you are such great friends and we can't imagine life with out you. Every time one of you leaves for greener pastures, we can feel the space you leave behind but are so excited for you and your new journeys and the fact that its one more couch in this country we can crash on later lol. Those who are here with us in the UT. We can't wait for more :D

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